Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Male Full Frontals Blog

Jacques Cousteau: The Legacy

A whole generation of television viewers that grew up with Jacques Cousteau's series Secrets of the Sea. In the last years of his life, wrote of his personal and marine scientists environmental policy legacy that now, more than ten years after his death seems, at last.

The famous French oceanographer with the red woolen cap brought the fascinating underwater world in all living rooms and conquered with colorful film footage and descriptions of the adventurous heart of the audience.

through his numerous expeditions Jacques Cousteau was clear how much the marine ecosystem is threatened by human intervention. He is considered one of the first to environmental responsibility, understood as a global challenge. He is actively involved in the protection of the oceans and the environment and became a legend in his lifetime. In 1997, he died at the age of 87 Years and until now forgotten.

appears after many years of inheritance now, on 6 March 2008, Jacques Cousteau's book The man, the orchid and the octopus. My life for the study and preservation of our environment in the Campus Press.

Jacques Cousteau, together with the journalist Susan Schiefelbein written memoirs are a poetic tribute to the many wonders of life in the water and the earth. Above all, the book is an environmental plea of astonishing timeliness. Much of what is discussed today as part of the climate debate is, in Cousteau's thoughts on the preservation of our planet already mentioned.

Almost simultaneously with the appearance the book starts on 13 March 2008, the 3D documentary "Dolphins and Whales 3D - Tribes of the Ocean", created with the support of Jean-Michel Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau's son. On 10 March Jean-Michel Cousteau is to mark the European premiere of the film in Berlin for interviews are available.

information about the book: www.campus.de/isbn/9783593385648 information about the film: www.delfineundwale3d.com

-dpa -


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