electricity consumption in office compared
The interest in the energy efficiency of modern information technology is increasing. With the aid of the so-called "green IT", the current costs by half - without compromising on functionality. The Energy Efficiency Initiative of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) shows what energy-efficient IT characterized in detail and how companies benefit from it.
A company with 200 office workstations can reduce its annual electricity costs by around 6,000 €, when it replaced its inefficient computers, monitors and printers (50) with energy-efficient. Additional costs can be saved by the use of energy-efficient appliances.
Example Computer: A energy efficient office PC * has idle state (idle) a power consumption of 26 and in idle mode (Sleep) of 2.5 watts. It causes so that electricity costs five euros.
In comparison, even taking a performance of weaker inefficient PC more than three times as much electricity on (92 watts in idle, 5 watts in sleep mode) and caused a year electricity cost of 21 € .**
example Monitor: An energy-efficient 24-inch TFT monitor is in normal operation, a power consumption of around 26 watts. He uses only half as much electricity as a corresponding inefficient model with a power of 65 watts, saving compared to eight euros per year Electricity costs.
as printers: An energy-efficient monochrome laser printer with a print speed of 33 pages per minute in normal business operation has a typical current consumption of 2.5 kWh over a week.
The typical current consumption of an equally rapid inefficient printer is 5.85 kWh per week more than twice as high. The economical printer leads to a reduction in costs of 23 € a year.
The internet platform www.office-topten.de the initiative offers practical energy efficiency advice and tips for the selection, purchase and use of energy efficient office equipment. There can be from a database quickly the "Top Ten" of the economically most office equipment according to its own criteria to filter and compare. For comparison, each also an inefficient unit is presented.
"Office Top Ten" is part of the nationwide initiative, energy efficiency, which is supported by dena and the companies E. ON Energie AG, EnBW, RWE Energy AG and Vattenfall Europe AG and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
Note to editors: A print-ready information graphics to the power saving potential with Green IT can be found for free download at: topten.de www.office-
* Office PC: dual-core processor, clocked at two gigahertz, two gigabytes of RAM ** Assumed Electricity prices for companies: 13 cents / kWh. More about the cost bases for PC, monitor and printer at: http://www.energieeffizienz-im-service.de/berechnungsgrundlagen.html
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