
Kinesiology is not a technique. To illustrate the difference between the kinesiology and its modification in the day in the alternative medicine known "Applied Kineziologie" to emphasize, should we be aware that kinesiology is an ancient discipline, anatomy, neurology, neurophysiology and Biokinematik knowledge about healthy and functional movement patterns of human body itself in turn.
When Biokinematik is applied the doctrine of the moving bodies (kinematics ) from the mechanics to living objects. The Biokinematik is part of a science-based motion analysis and examined changes in the state of movement. It describes the spatial and temporal characteristics of movement, without considering the mass of the moving body and the forces acting on them. Biokinematik are measures of location, distance, time, speed and acceleration. In the human body belong to a movement, at least two muscles, a joint and two bones. This is the Biokinematische moving unit that is under the control of the central nervous system of functional movement patterns. Without the anatomical, and neurological knowledge is kinesiology biokinematischen inconceivable.
I had to, just like any certified physical therapist, at the beginning of my training the anatomy of the human body apsolvieren, the different functional patterns of movement, and learn the Biokinematische Neurophysiological laws by heart, to assess the movement of the joint partner relationship, which measure the joint Bewegungswinckel (goniometry) and know most of the muscle.
I had to know to test manu propria the force each muscle assessed in the motor system and to tell the difference between a functional and a non-functional movement. To achieve that you have to know the beginning and Endeort each muscle. It is also very important to know whether a muscle moved one or more joints, it is the Hauptbeweger or only workers with a movement, etc. Without the exact knowledge of anatomy, this measurement method inadequate. This measuring method is called in the manual Kinesitherapie muscle function test. the functional status of the body can be checked easily and efficiently explore the weakening or lack of flexibility essential to the body posture and its movements determine involved muscle groups with the help of the muscle function tests.
The Short History of Applied Kineziologie
The "Applied Kinesiology" a sense of alternative medicine is . The term Kinesiology is the Physio and sports medicine borrowed. An actual effectiveness of the method is scientifically documented yet and umstitten the process considerably.
made at the beginning of the 60s, the American chiropractor George Goodheart, the observation that patients with the same diseases also the same weaknesses in muscle testing. Conversely, this means that can be made by specific muscle testing to draw conclusions about a person's health.
Goodheart recognized the relationship between muscles and organs, integrated already known reflex areas and points in his work and studied the effect of food on the health of his clients. By including the Traditional Chinese Medicine, he expanded the kinesiology at the Eastern energy system of meridians and the link between emotions and health. Since 1971, world in Touch for Health courses are offered. Touch for Health = health by touching makes the knowledge of kinesiology advantage to blocking by energy balance in the body to lösen.Touch for Health is a synthesis of knowledge of chiropractic, the meridian system, acupuncture, nutrition and kinesiology. That is the basis of Applied Kinesiology and has been specially designed for the layman as a "medicine chest".
"Educational Kinesiology"
The scientist, Dr. Paul Dennison developed from the "applied kinesiology" Good Heart out the "Educational Kinesiology", or "Edu-K". It deals with the connection between brain and body and is used successfully to improve the learning ability in reading, writing and arithmetic used in the children. Concentration and memory can be trained it with special exercises. For the Brain - Gym exercises are about creating movement principles that are necessary for learning, such as the free flow of eye movements and eye-hand coordination, reading and writing are essential. Educational Kinesiology is a method that finds its application in speech therapy, especially in the stuttering syndrome.
In my kinesis is "Edu-K" method as Neuro Kinesiology any treatment of the patient there and I call it the conscious 4 - D own perception of body movement geometry and the conscious 4-D self-mobilization the motor system.
kinesiology (the anatomical and neurological and functional movement) can also be seen as historically developed interdisciplinary field of sports science, which has evolved from the classic motion teaching of the physical movements out and in with issues and problem areas in the range of motion additional Sense is concerned. Kinesiology as "functional kinetics" and the field of sports research to define her by the human movement.
is in the sports knowledge Creates kinesiology as a specialist or thematic cross-section area which is in many ways, on issues of learning, development, behavior and actions with the sports psychology overlaps but also the physical education.
, unlike most other branches of science kinesiology no so-called mother of science, in which they could orient themselves. Initially, the functional movement training insights and knowledge about movement patterns and movement techniques share for the design of learning and teaching already, and later was constituted as a discipline. In connection with this scientific nature of kinesiology formed out different concepts and approaches, resulting in a differentiation and specialization, such as kinesiology of the medical training therapy MTT which should not be confused with the athletic strength training.
Strength training has in terms of pain therapy has no effect if not by the relevant geometric structures of the joint can be corrected. Specific Kinesitherapie with the pains of the musculoskeletal system is in a restoration of the geometry of the body and not the force.
Kinesiology, in German-speaking countries known as the Movement, deals with the various factors and issues that the state daily and sporting movements of people are important . It examines as basic and applied disciplines:
- The importance of the movement as a fundamental dimension of human existence
- The change in physical activity through development and learning processes
- the course, the structures and functions of movement techniques and exercise activities
The Certified. Kinesiologist is a 'research at the university, graduate movement and sports science results in the creation and evolution of movements and further developed.
Kinesitherapie (classic movement therapy) is also an old scientific discipline of physical medicine, that represents many different forms, and gave me the opportunity me as Kinesitherapeutin unfold. In the kinesiology kinesis knowledge be used to the functional Satuts of the motion system to provide fixed and improved.
Today I realize that my knowledge of anatomy, neurophysiology and kinesiology only differences are the guide to the world of human movement. Each patient is a new challenge for me and with every new patient I win the new experiences and broaden my knowledge. At the same knowledge Kammen also certified kinesiologist un they also conduct research on. Cooperation dipl. Kinesiologists and dipl. Physiotherapists expands the possibilities for meaningful treatment of the patient. Believe me, I have never ceased to learn.
neurophysiological aspects of the musculoskeletal system
The nervous system is a complex, over the whole body distributed, highly unauschauliches organ. It is a control mechanism that is different in many respects from all other organs. It does not provide any mechanical work, it does not produce outward-acting chemical substances. Its tasks are perceptions, learning, forgetting, rules and taxes up to the feeling, thinking and acting.
The head and the brain
The head is the most moving part of the body and gives the body orientation in space, safety and balance. The head is on the most mobile part of the spine, and his considerable weight balanced on a small footprint. The vestibular System (balance), which is based in the inner ear determines the position of the head. The neck receptors and reflexes indirectly determine the position of the head compared to the rest of the body. A collaboration between the head and neck is essential for good orientation and movement control. The small of the neck vertebrae are shaped so that they are stable. The first cervical vertebra is called the Atlas, after the mythological Titan Atlas, who carries the earth. The second cervical vertebra is gennant Axis wiel first articulated in his place by the rotation of the head. The joints between the head, the atlas and the axis allow the head to rotate rapidly and labor-saving, are bending, stretching and pitch.
A good head position reduces the stress on the bones and muscles of the neck.
The bony structures of the head, the skull protects the brain.
The human brain is the control center of the entire body. This is where the information together from the body and the environment and are processed into the body reactions.
The brain is one of the most active organs of the body filled with a sea neurons.
are the brain in the skull
It is fascinating, as in "naked Neuronengebrabbel" various states of the body and voice the soul arise. The research in recent years are always new results. The structure of the brain and the various links that enable its operation, are now explored to a great extent.
In attempting to explain the mechanisms of thinking are still many questions unanswered.
" We know this has to do with oscillating rhythms, with a uniform repetition such as by running, by dancing or music. Something comes here in the brain in a Metazustand, the more connections than normal ." [1 ] W. Singer
It is doing further research for the truth to come closer.
We also know that the brain is a neural network, which is made up of countless connections between many nerve cells together.
fundamental to a meaningful processing in the brain is a spatial-chronological sequence of the human perception of importance. The number of circuits in the nervous system must be arranged to be spatially differentiated and coordinated in time.
Neuro Kinesiology and Manu propria Kinesitherapie
the movement is in the head, not in the muscles instead
- perception lies behind every movement training.
- The restriction on the essentials is another feature of the movement training.
- A third learning principle is the system itself. All information is stored in cells of the brain, the processing is associative.
- Incomplete and incorrect information be amended or corrected.
- The system improves itself and learn independently. New nerve circuits are built and existing ones are being trained.
That's the main finding of brain research for the Movement.
[1] says dr. Wolf Singer - the Frankfurt brain researchers
The planning of movements
unfangreichen from research into the links between the various parts of the brain with each other and to the spinal cord has, in recent decades emerged the following picture.
In the cerebral cortex is an action plan. From previous actions recognize our memory of how to perform this action. The plan of action brings a particular ensemble of neurons to transient to the "information" to pass. And while on the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part that generates the functional coordination of movement. In the cerebellum, the movement "ironed" .
fact, nerves can be found that are designed to that it can make the control of a complicated process. Thus, a closed loop is between motor cortex, motor neurons and cerebellum. The signals from the motor cortex to be implemented by the motor neurons in motion. These cause back messages to the cerebrum, but indirectly via the cerebellum.
learns the same time, the brain from the currently executing movement, by storing the appropriate excitation patterns.
It is that one can learn not only the intellectual content, but also the new movements.
The brain and the spinal cord
Mr. Schalow [1] has as a researcher and original Animal physiologist measurements on living human spinal cord made. He stated:
- That the central nervous system produces rhythms that are responsible for the development of body movements.
- that these rhythms through body movement are varied.
- that the nervous system is self-learning and that many more movements directly in the spinal cord can be stored and automated than previously thought. formed
- that with the use of efficient therapies in the human brain and spinal cord, new nerve cells.
- that are formed in the brain even at 80-year-old or new nerve cells was in the November issue has kept the journal Nature Medicine 4, 1313-1317 (1998) described and that means goodbye to the old dogma that such a process is impossible.
Four new developments now dominate the Neurosciences: organize
- neural networks themselves
- This self-organization can be changed.
- The neurons are interconnected so variable.
- There is a much greater plasticity of the central nervous system than previously thought.
Already this new understanding has direct consequences for neurorehabilitation.
Scientific measurements directly in the human nervous system showed:
- motor neurons fire rhythmically at high excitation.
- The nervous system is thus based on the lowest level of rhythm.
- are relations of parts of the network reached through coordinated rhythm couplings.
Scientific studies by physiologists in the injured CNS show [2] in animals and humans:
regenerative processes, including formation of new nerve cells (neurogenesis) can be induced and controlled by coordinated rhythmic learning. Similarly, the functional
- from the maturing stem cells develop into multiple Neuritte and axons grow out in the whole organism. This is how the new synapses.
Neuro Kinesiology, Manu propria Kinesitherapie and salutogenesis
The question of what exactly is pain, can not be clarified with a few words. Usually the pain is a kind of warning of the body that something is wrong. The movement is a pain unangenemes feeling, but it must not be the signal shows that the Health has been attacked. I tried, by the sensation of movement pain to explain the concept salutogenesis.
The movement takes place in cognitive and sensorimotor areas of the brain. Many "bad" postures and uneconomical movements is the change in control by the central nervous system, the actual cause of the pain on movement. The research of salutogenesis tell us the emergence of our health is taking place in our head. We should try that, what we have done spontaneously as small children, to become aware of as young people and adults for a while around us the whole life properly and thus can also move economically.
The pain, the stranger who was not, can gigging every human being. The physician called the psychogenic pain and it can arise without any connection with physical processes. The sensation is real, that is, the person is not a malingerer or a hypochondriac. The pain often occurs in the motion system or in or on the head. The doctor finds no physical cause this. In principle, any man can develop psychogenic pain and may well draw physical consequences. Just musculoskeletal pain quickly lead to early attitudes, which then in turn have muscles, and atrophy of muscles and movement disorders in the geometry result. Then the pain is not just "a feeling" but he is to disease.
to avoid that, I try to explore the everyday movements. This thought process includes key aspects of salutogenesis with one. I surrender to my concept " Manu propria Kinesitherapie " not only in traditional therapeutic context, but I am researching at all places where Bewgungsanalyse and adaptation of movements is useful and necessary, especially in the prevention of pain.
Salutogeneze place in everyday life instead
" If someone is looking for Health asking him first if he is prepared to avoid any future causes of his illness - only then you must help him ." Socrates
The concept of the salutogenic by the medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky (1923 - 1994) developed. His two major works to be "Health, stress and coping: New perspectives on mental and physical well-being" (1979) and "Unraveling the mystery of health How people manage stress and stay well." (1987), German: "salutogenesis. To demystify the health ", 1997)
Antonovsky's in his reflections from the fact that health" is not a normal, passive state of equilibrium "but a" labile, active and dynamically regulating action. Health and disease are thus part of our continuous process of life, are located at the end terminals complete health and disease. The man moves on this continuum, but never reached the extreme poles So never get sick or healthy. The classic image that Antonovsky used for these dynamics is the person who moves in a river.
This metaphor of the river Aaron Antonovsky used to illustrate his concept of salutogenesis. The salutogenesis deals with the emergence of health (from the Latin salus, health and the Greek genesis, will be created,). She is so opposite of Pathogenesse. Pathogenesse is commonly used in traditional medicine and is concerned exclusively with the development and treatment of diseases.
core of the salutogenic is the SOC (sense of coherence), a sense of trust: it arises when people have forces available to successfully with the physical and psychosocial stresses of life deal with it. Three aspects define this durable yet dynamic sense of coherence. Man must in the flow of everyday life, the rapids, waterfalls and shoals overcome. He is sometimes in quieter areas and survive the danger zones ultimately only if it sufficient personal resistance resources and protection factors are available and an appropriate attitude, the will to survive encourages present ist.Das concept of salutogenesis to a different perspective on life. It's about all the powers of body, mind and spirit for set up a successful life development. No man is healthy and well is not only sick, but we are moving constantly between the two.
who lives salutogenetic learning, including the surprise given the wide range of possibilities that people have to cope with life and to complete healing.
An old proverb says that the normal man marvels at uncommon things that amaze the wise men of the ordinary.
" The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science. Who does not, and not wonder, no longer marvel, the good as dead and gone his eye. "Albert Einstein
may wonder is something very, very beautiful. But all too often provides a strange voice, but it can also have a voice in our self-being, with a "clever explanation for a sudden end of astonishment. Knowledge is good, no question, but may wonder is it even better.
For who can wonder, who can also inspire. And enthusiasm is a particularly valuable capability. The ability to wonder is essential for every man. It is to awaken this marvel. May the reader of these lines in her own surprise find amazement of others, or newly recognized.
"My health is in my head instead. How is it that amazed me is not it? "This is part of the creative in man. This creative process might stimulate the thinking of the reader.
's health is not for sale, it is feasible. Health is a balance of physical and mental level. As in filling a water tank tolerate the body individually different number of loads. If the measure is full, there is an imbalance, which might be reflected in a variety of disease symptoms. A cure may not therefore be limited to the treatment of disease symptoms, but must find the cause of the disturbance of balance and with the cooperation of the patient reduce and dissolve. It should be remembered that only a temporary disturbance of well-being is emerging stimuli that a person needs to change his life.
The disorders of body movement geometry caused the pain. In my concept, " Manu propria Kinesitherapie " I try to find the cause of the disorder and the method of 4 - to make them aware of the self-perception D patient. When wahrgenohmenen cause it is easier to Geometirie the movements to be restored. The Method 4 - D capital mobilization provides the framework for producing the correct geometry of everyday movements.
[1] (Dr. med., Dr. nat rare.., Engineer, author of professional articles in the Journal of Nature and physiologist, "Post-dock at Department of Biophysics of doing Sir Bernard Katz (Nobel laureate for his work on the motor end plates, ie neuromuscular coupling) University College London, Gower Street)
[2] central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord
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