stood since the Renaissance, the more and more man in the mirror of art and science to and he gradually developed a view from outside to be held and for him to actually correct. This shows very well in the medical field, mainly in the old days consisted of the telling of the physical symptoms, circumstances and feelings.
is now reduced this area in favor of laboratory testing and technical images that depict our body and its state. Then we identify with the image and are used in this way, we look at itself within us from outside, when we talk about us. We take a virtual look with our bodies as we know it from looking at pictures and the mirror, but also from books, photographs and X-ray CT images.
We more or less theoretical knowledge have his kinesiology, anatomy and physiology, all of which we are perceived not to us, but we have acquired. We are therefore opposed to more distant and abstract. We fall into an ambiguous relationship to our body because his experience was displaced in the modern period sooner.
we come back to the movement.
the first breath after birth, we drift with the movement into life and we move the whole life to the last breath. Life is movement and when life is the movement that will promote the development of the movement of life.

Human Body by coordinated movement even more beautiful. We must try to put the coordinated movements of the body in the hallway. In a coordinated move you to the person must have the body and movement awareness.
The phenomenon of acquiring a new habit, as a transformation and renewal of the motion schema, preparing the greatest difficulties when it is not "control" and "understands".
thought processes and movements are associated with one another in terms of a Cycle. What do I know should be included in the movement. Movements are not only individual actions, which exhaust themselves in relation to cause-effect reactions, and they lead the same time a "life" by integrating into the dimension of time. The movements are the creators of our time, this hidden for us in our own dimension.
The movement is always associated with a development process.
through art, spirit and knowledge of history, we explore the possibility of the development of our body consciousness. Creativity of people from ancient times has given us the conscious experience of the third dimension. The time dimension since the beginning of 20-to-first century can not imagine. We should get to try to think the time because we have merged over time by the movements of our body. The time dimension can not be shared among other people, each of us and produces its own time. You ticking deep inside of us, it is hidden behind our thoughts and feelings like a mighty lord, an unknown edges have called the self. The time that this incredible edge Weiser is our body self.
the way to the universe of reason available, 4 - D self-perception and 4 - D own mobilization.
Now, I sit at my desk and wonder how I could write this chapter to an end and the movements feel in me. My body is fused with the room but my body is playing a game with my own thoughts without relying on the testimony of my five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) to base. I start writing, the room is moving with me, the rhythm of my breathing changed, my pelvis and my spine to change the position. I write and my fingers feel like an extension of my thoughts. My feet give me the support, the lower arms do not move, floating in space follows the shoulders, the neck is long, the head of a balloon similar to the movements of the eyes. The time tick in me. Everything in me is moving. There is no standing still, no rest. That would be the timelessness. Do not exist.
I realize I am my body is fused with my body.
To achieve this, I first had to feel my body, given the universe of my mind, his size, motion geometry, can let time pass.
Finally, I refer to the beginning of philosophy. Plato, the Great Greek thought, which takes place every body in which the movement from the inside out in myself, be inspired, because there is the nature of the soul. Thus we have neither the body nor the soul without the body without the soul set in motion, and thus, both, to balance and reach a healthy state. are also among the movements in themselves by themselves created the best, because they are most closely related to the movement of thought and of the whole world. Therefore, even in the cleaning and restoration of the body, that the best that result from exercise.
"end of movement, end of life" Plato said laconically.
The body and the movement merged into each other by
the 4-D self-mobilization
The body is in the culture of modern times due to its Property, motion, energy and generate power and transform it to the embodiment of socio-political and utopian promises of salvation.
At the beginning of the 20th Century, educates and provides an extensive physical culture movement the body to a natural-hygiene movement behavior and promoted a corresponding "right" living. Systematically designed training practices and reactivate bundle its meaning to 'natural' and determine both economic behavior patterns, their origins and effectiveness from the "natural" laws of the body.
movement in dance or any other form of motion transports the audience, actors as well as attentive witnesses, in a space-time continuum, which is characterized by particular unusual performance figures and has a clear purpose orientation with respect to everyday reality.
movement played and plays in many parts of the world still in the ritual enforcement of both collective and personal transformation an outstanding role.
In our society, pointed out customs, such as the Maitanz collective celebration of fertility and wedding dances, which should also promote fertility and prosperity of the new couple or even Strength and skill of the couple celebrated.
In contrast to other nations but got the ritual meaning and purposefulness of the body movements in the cultures of the West as a result of the monopolization of ritual power by the Christian church into oblivion, and only the entertainment value and emotional, mostly cathartic potential of the different dances specific last to survive their development and reshaping.
Today, there are different schools to mark the movement harmony with nature, its laws and modes of the target. It is to join a dynamic activation of the body with his right use sought. The new, dynamic, spirited, intoxicating and expansive space moving body representing the impressive speed and progress of the new age utopia.
The Rhythmic captures the trinity of body, mind and body, and thus the entire demonstration of the human life.
The movement is a potent means to overcome the emotional fractures to the unknown. But his application for the promotion of creativity requires great virtuosity.
Back in the early 90s of the 19th Century taught different gymnastics schools and vital body-strengthening exercises, to the health of the body within the meaning of his proper use targeted. Despite glaring differences of approach between schools teach all forms of natural body movement in which the dynamic is perceived as their causal principle.
The dynamics of the body unfolds, however, not self-indulgent or even arbitrarily equal Dionysiac outbursts, but shows its face in the course BROAD rhythmic sequence of movement.
occurs, the dynamic principle of the body as rhythmic in appearance, it refers only to the rhythm of his right body language.
The aim of the cultural aspirations of the body healthy body. The rhythmic principle is a universal law of motion, because it all natural movements phenomena and processes in a structured and organized their regular pulsating on and off cycles. In the rhythmic up and down, back and forth, high and low, back and forth you can see the regularity of organic movement redeemed, in which all antagonisms acting together-whether physiological, mental or ideational harmony.
The natural source of all movements suggests a process of involuntary movement sequence, a flow of movements, continue to abound in its own right. We just have to try to design their own understanding of movement that ultimately formulated a model of communication between the inside and outside.
4 - D own mobilization
I'm trying to develop the exercises that arouse the source of that energy through mental sensitive matches. The movement caused to a linguistically structured imaginative space, the simple movement itself with a highly sensitive, almost exaggerated perception occupied. Like a dream trip charges up then on the body with him overwhelming impression from the universe.
initiated The language in the "Imagine" is an emotional flow of impressions that stimulate the body to that movement to embrace the unattainable.
Something like:
"Imagine you are standing in the center of the world on a high peak. You look at and see stars above you, your hands are crossed over your chest. You crave it, raise your hands towards the infinite. You do say it to yourself, UNIVERSE. "
The whole attitude of the body as reaching gesture of feeling-emotional movements should not only show a symbolic relationship with nature, but to integrate physically structured perceptual moments. The interplay of movements, showing the body in its earthy essentiality, and a very physical design of a moving face grows out of bodily qualities, integrated into a harmonious lines of the limbs and a view of the hull. Such a body, is as Duncan says, the "fountain of light and gives off is like a wave of nature transformed freely into the room.

Marianne Nuremberg in the article "Meditation - internal movement classes in concentrative movement and change of consciousness" writing;
"For people who have no problem with free and improvised movements, the exercise" The secret find their own way "suitable, an exercise which can be performed to music, but even without music."
secret of his own Path find
From the upright standing position on slightly bent legs, first the right leg is raised very slowly up. Care is taken to where the heavy weight of the body would draw the developing large and extremely slow pace. With in this way spontaneously developing very slow and high-flung border movements will now turn reached out to and the inner feeling of movement to follow the front, left or right, always being of the entire body turned in the direction of movement. The posture remains essentially very straight, the pelvis in line with the spine, shoulders straight. The arms support very slow but sweeping movements, the balance of the walking body. The initially hesitant, searching and slow movement that is supported by the legs and hips and will require a lot of balance work, is now cautiously increased their speed until they result in their perceived quality gains determination. You opt for faster and faster now "junctions, roads and winding paths or just an imaginary labyrinth," until you come to a "clearly perceptible inner hesitation" pushes and stops! Here it remains for some time on the site, so you can track this feeling inside him, may accept that it is fully deployed.
One leg is bent and now again brought before the body slowly. From this inner balance out the hands reach forward into the inside edges of an imaginary closed curtain that separates the ordinary from the transcendental. corresponds to "The curtain is drawn," as it's own personality:
curious and slowly or abruptly and without fear, etc.
is hardly open it, his body can be new, slow movements, find out what the issues of "freedom" and express "flight", whereby the length of the room is to indicate to the poor. When uniformly slowness of movement, which now find arms and legs and head, face, trunk, can detect hands and fingers, now to the issues of "walk in the woods" or "walking through the city" expression are given by, for example, unusual walking directions, as obliquely backward, be approved, or walking movements not followed with the whole body is so exciting and strange postures are achieved, or other gestures are explored, especially those that have been done before. Finally, you can finish off a final movement in a slow sinking Let the arms, while going back to the beginning position, stand upright with knees slightly bent.
I will argue that technically simple Exercises like the one described above, a substantial contribution to the understanding of the links and connections between body and body and between conceptual and kinesthetic reality in the experience of mental strength and body awareness can. This is the way we perceive the dance of our body and can finally enjoy our space-time dimension conscious.
[1] Plato "State", "Phaedrus, Timaeus
[2] to the god Dionysus Belonging, enthusiastic and wild.
[3] Isadora Duncan "The light on white flowers falling"
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