Sunday, August 16, 2009

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Midlife Crisis programmed

Poll: Most Germans expect a crisis of meaning
- Lots 50-59 feel like a dead end

When people are packed in middle age from an identity crisis, the diagnosis of the general public is usually made quickly: Midlife Crisis.

As a representative survey on behalf of "Senior Advisor" believes most of the Germans, that most people will sooner or later one will be affected.

Seven out of ten respondents (70.6%) strongly believe that almost everyone should experience once such a crisis.

Furthermore, the results of the survey, and even not so unlikely.

men and women between 50 and 59 rooms on average, one often is to have often wondered about the meaning of life (average: 44.9%, 50 - to 59-year-olds: 54.0%).

One in five of them (20.1%) even said he would feel his life are currently at an impasse.

Source: A representative survey of pharmacies magazine "Senior Advisor", conducted by the GfK market research Nuremberg in 1992 respondents aged 14 years, including 303 in the age between 50 and 59.

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Top 20 cancer therapies

Every third German suffering during the course of his life with cancer, but new treatments offer hope to fight the disease. In its latest issue (9 / 09; EVT: 19 August), the magazine found in a large VITAL Expert Check out the Top 20 cancer therapies from health and complementary medicine.

"surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy are currently the most appropriate measures," said Professor Karsten Münstedt, chief physician at the University Hospital Giessen. Even with these conventional methods, there are a lot of progress. New example is the intra-operative radiotherapy, in which the stove is still irradiated wound during the operation.

success a drastic reduction in the recidivism rate, moreover, the subsequent radiation dose can be reduced. If a significant treatment also shows the chrono-modulated chemotherapy, when doctors use the body clock in humans. The cytotoxins are injected exactly at the time when the tumor cells divide and are at angreifbarsten.

Innovative approaches to medicine are the treatment with stem cells and the antibodies and immunotherapy. In the latter, the immune system is alerted by special messenger molecules on cancer cells. Hope is the cancer vaccine Stimuvax against breast cancer. The drug is currently in the final phase of clinical Review and also shows good results in lung cancer patients.

An interesting alternative cancer therapy provides expert Münstedt especially in hyperthermia, in which the whole body or the affected area to be heated to above 42 degrees Celsius. The heat-sensitive cancer cells to die by it. According to recent studies improved the method for breast and ovarian cancer, the results of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

principle alternative process should be used only after consultation with the attending physician education. "One problem area is interactions between complementary and conventional medicine substances . Therapy. "Says Prof. Münstedt" This may lead to treatments are not too strong or "

In Zetschrift VITAL is the subject treated

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