Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hard Cervix And Missed Period

"What the State everything off and conceals "

thanks to the public would help so many weitertun after the crisis as as previously

Leo Szemeliker

What the front not so long ago by the so powerful disdain state should do everything buy the banks bad securities (which they previously purchased without state coercion with the prospect of super-profits had), the banks provide capital participation (but please, no pretentious conditions, such as voice or even participation), the banks will absorb any but (if all else fails, and "the system" is in danger).

Then the state could still regulate the new executive pay, to dig out more money for short-time working models designed to guarantee corporate bonds, it should certainly also Bank itself and play for the flood credit markets dried up again. Car dealers, he could eventually save on so-called eco-premium (after all, benefits the state
and environmental) of the collar. Or perhaps the foresters. Maybe even the boiler manufacturers.

few years ago was the ruling credo that the state should stay out of everything as far as possible, it says on the economy. Because the economy governs itself, and if the state does not intervene, they will for ever continue to grow even miraculous.

Yes, the perpetual motion seemed to have been invented at least in the financial sector, with money that is self-propagated - as long as the state does not have his hand in public.

After the collapse of the structure of deceit is always rising yields are the same people who have previously tried with all their might, the states of all their actions to keep out, the ones who do to help the public sector. On the up and in the subsequent crash, the justifications advanced for what they do, interestingly, also the same: you do it all for the jobs. For the site. The general public.

The public sector now comes with the packages no longer cords to. Still found in many of Packerln only "funny money", not real money, only guarantees and liabilities, which could only be the worst beating. But the case is much worse than the worst, because be thought about in the previous year was, has long since occurred.

George Soros said in the standard interview that the financial system has collapsed in truth long ago. Only thanks to the state-provided crutches, it could still pretend as if it still stood.

The state banks must extend the helping hand, because the economic and particularly the social consequences of a domino-like falling over the banks and then the company will not even be imagined. He, too, to the industry - such as the time-limited promotion of short-time work - help make ends meet, so do not want armies of unemployed back on the road.

It is questionable: As good as all the players act as if the crisis would be equal to a force majeure befallen humanity, as if not imperfect markets were, poor structures, unequal power relations, caused geopolitical muscle-flexing and misconceptions of the elites of the crisis .

It is also wrong to believe in a few months after the States have made a few thousand billion relaxed at the expense of future generations, appeared under the supposed natural laws of the market, the sun.

far made it the key politicians not to create a New Big Deal for a future world economic order. The "Buy American" clause that should be included in Obama's stimulus package, smells like very old and very wrong economic policy.



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